DIN EN ISO 13855 PDF Download

Standard EN Sample
DIN EN ISO 13855 Sample

Safety of machinery - Positioning of safeguards with respect to the approach speeds of parts of the human body

SKU183192573 Published by Deutsches Institut für Normung DIN Publication Date2010-10 Pages CountPages49

This document covers the positioning of safeguards with respect to the approach speeds of parts of the human body. This standard specifies parameters based on values for hand/arm and approach speeds and provides the methodology to determine the minimum distances from detection zones or actuating devices of protective equipment to a hazard zone. This standard specifies distances from the detection zone to the hazardous area. Protection against the risks from mechanical hazards arising from the ejection of solid or fluid materials and non-mechanical hazards such as toxic emissions, electricity, radiation etc. are not covered by this standard.

DescriptorsAccident prevention, Approach, Arms, Body regions, CE marking, Control devices, Danger area, Danger zones, Dangerous spots, Definitions, Dimensions, Distances, Electrical engineering, Ergonomics, Hands (anatomy), Human body, Machine guards, Machines, Mathematical calculations, Mechanical engineering, Minimum spacing, Occupational safety, Optoelectronics, Protection devices, Protection of persons, Safety, Safety devices, Safety distances, Safety engineering, Safety measures, Safety of machinery, Speed, Type B, Spaced, Velocity, Engines
ICS Codes13.110 - Safety of machinery
File Size1.2 MB
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