EI Guidelines for the Investigation of the Microbial Content of Liquid Fuels and for the Implementation of Avoidance and Remedial Strategies

Guidelines for the Investigation of the Microbial Content of Liquid Fuels and for the Implementation of Avoidance and Remedial Strategies PDF Download

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SKU133937738 Published by Energy Institute EI Publication Date2019-11 Pages CountPages103

This publication provides an overview of the factors which cause and exacerbate microbial growth and the problems caused, offering detailed procedures for good housekeeping to avoid microbial growth, and describes the indicators of contamination and appropriate analytical methods for investigation. It outlines suitable plans for routine condition monitoring including procedures for sampling and use of on-site tests, and emphasises that the primary mechanism for control of microbial growth is through regular and rigorous attention to good housekeeping and system maintenance.

This third edition is intended as an information resource, providing practical advice for controlling, monitoring, investigating and remediating microbial contamination. It is targeted at operational staff and product quality managers responsible for all liquid fuels, including those used in aviation, marine, ground transportation, power generation and heating. It addresses all stages of fuel production, distribution and use, including considerations for refineries, supply and distribution facilities, pipelines, local suppliers, retail outlets, bunker supplies and major fuel users such as ships, offshore platforms, aircraft operators, power stations, and road and rail fleet operators.

This document provides the practical basis to ensure that attention to best practice is maintained. It is intended to provide the fuels industry with the knowledge to fully understand the risks and successfully maintain and implement procedures to meet the existing and future challenges presented by microbial growth in fuel tanks and systems.

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