EI Guidelines for the Integrity Management of Valves for the Upstream and Downstream Industries

Guidelines for the Integrity Management of Valves for the Upstream and Downstream Industries PDF Download

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SKU197583231 Published by Energy Institute EI Publication Date2019-11 Pages CountPages145

This guidance has been written to support valve integrity management for the top-side activities of both the upstream and downstream petroleum industries. This includes hydrocarbon and hazardous systems, critical utilities, fire systems, and steam.

This guidance covers the following valve types:

  • gate valves;
  • globe (on/off) valves;
  • diaphragm and pinch valves;
  • plug valves;
  • ball valves;
  • butterfly valves;
  • globe and angle control valves;
  • choke valves, and
  • self-acting regulating valves.

This document includes guidance on specification and selection, installation and commissioning, operation, maintenance, inspection condition monitoring, proof testing, and remedial actions. It also aims to provide guidance on issues such as knowledge, training and understanding, management of change (MoC), Safe Systems of Work (SSOW), and lessons learned and agreed good practices.

The target audience for this guidance document are personnel working within top-side activities of both the upstream and downstream petroleum industries, including:

  • site managers;
  • supervisors;
  • technicians;
  • operators;
  • process system designers, and
  • valve manufacturers and suppliers.
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