ICAO ICAO 8643:2020 [EN + FR + ES]

ICAO 8643:2020 PDF Download

Standard ENFRES Sample 1 Sample 2

Indicatifs de types d’aéronef

SKU227982935 Published by International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO Publication Date2020-04 Pages CountPages382
Details History and complementary documents History
DescriptorsTrafic aérien, Modèle, Nombre, Avion, Usinage, Instrument de bord, Tableau, Dictionnaire, Aérotechnique, Système de navigation, Fabrication, Instrument de bord d'aéronef, Liste, Navigation aérienne, Nom, Relevé, Aéronef, Glossaire
ICS Codes49.020 - Aircraft and space vehicles in general
49.090 - On-board equipment and instruments
Language(s)English + French + Spanish
File Size3.7 MB
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