SMACNA 1767 PDF Download

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Kitchen Ventilation Systems and Food Service Equipment Guidelines

Also Known As: SMACNA 1767

SKU111625744 Published by Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association SMACNA Publication Date2001-04-01 Pages CountPages232

Full Description

A basic reference guide to industry-accepted practices for fabrication and installation of commercial kitchen ventilation systems and custom-built food preparation equipment. Assists the designer, contractor and code officials in understanding the complexities of designing, installing, construction and balancing both the exhaust and make-up air systems required in commercial kitchen ventilation. The food service equipment section offers practical guidelines for designing, fabrication, evaluating and installing a wide range of custom-built food service equipment. Includes tables, shelves and wall lining details as well as minimum dimension and metal thickness standards for constructing light, medium and heavy-duty kitchen equipment that should provide owners with years of trouble-free usage. Developed in accordance with ANSI/NSF-2-1996. Also included is an appendix that provides application details for the seismic bracing of food service equipment.
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