SMACNA 1981 PDF Download

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Seismic Restraint Manual: Guidelines for Mechanical Systems

Also Known As: SMACNA 1981

SKU196985666 Published by Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association SMACNA Publication Date2008-03-01 Pages CountPages202

Full Description

The Seismic Restraint Manual: Guidelines for Mechanical Systems, 3rd edition 2008, ANSI/SMACNA 001-2008, is an updated set of guidelines that shows designers and contractors how to determine the correct restraints for sheet metal ducts, piping and conduit, so that they are more likely to remain attached to the building during an earthquake. The manual shows how very low- and very high-risk areas of the country can be accommodated. The new edition includes a more extensive list of bracing options and has been revised to comply with current building codes all within a single document for user convenience.
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